




I am having a bit of trouble with A dropdownlist that is supposed to be populated with values that correspond to ID keys in a database. So ideally i want something that looks like this in the dropdown list

value="0" USA value="1" ETC

and my code behind looks like this

    public TabletViewModel(Tablet tablet)
        Tablet = tablet;
        //AreaHelper.Areas, tablet.Location.Name
        Areas = new SelectList(AreaHelper.Areas, tablet.Location.Name);

whenever I try to add overflow methods to the selectlist constructor I get exception errors when I try to add the LocationID

anyone have any ideaS?


Does your list AreaHelper.Areas support IEnumerable?

Is tablet, tablet.Location or tablet.Location.Name Null?

Shiraz Bhaiji
the AreaHelper.Areas is an Ienumerable that returns the names of the areas, and the tablet.Location is a table of locations, and the tablet.Location.Name is not null, its the name associated with locationID, I just want the locationId to be the value associated with each option
+1  A: 

I figured out the issue, the IEnumerable i was passing was a specific column, not the whole table, so when i tried to do

new SelectList(AreaHelper.Areas, tablet.Location.Name, tablet.LocationID.ToString())

and got the error: "String doesn't contain property Name"

now everything is working fine
