Visual Studio 2008 .NET 3.5
I'm using the built in web server to test, and everything works fine. My TinyMCE code is the following:
<!-- TinyMCE -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// General options
mode: "textareas",
theme: "advanced",
plugins: "paste",
relative_urls: false,
remove_script_host: false,
// Theme options
theme_advanced_buttons1: "bold,italic,link,unlink,image",
theme_advanced_buttons2: "",
theme_advanced_buttons3: "",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location: "top",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align: "left",
theme_advanced_statusbar_location: "bottom",
theme_advanced_resizing: false,
// Example word content CSS (should be your site CSS) this one removes paragraph margins
content_css: "includes/tinyMCEword.css",
// Drop lists for link/image/media/template dialogs
external_image_list_url: "lists/image_list.js"
<!-- /TinyMCE -->
Now, the issue I'm having, is on any pages that I have this code, I'll intermittently get ViewState errors, namely:
Event code: 4009 Event message: Viewstate verification failed. Reason: Viewstate was invalid.
I noticed when this happens, on top of my page, it looks like I have ViewState data (encrypted) being outputted. Only on pages with TinyMCE. I have no idea why it's occuring. Everything works perfectly fine locally, but when deployed to a Win2K3 server (IIS6), I'm getting this issue.
I really am lost. Any ideas fellas?
Thanks, -Steve