After a build of a java applet I would like to copy a file, or files from $PROJECT_DIR\data into the build directory. Can I do this easily somehow by marking the files in some way, or must I write an ant copy statement?
1Any clues?I managed to make it work if I Run -> Build project. But when right right click and "run" the applet, the files dissapear. It appears -compile-single doesn't call -post-compile<target name="-post-compile"> <copy todir="${build.classes.dir}/data"> <fileset dir="data"/> </copy> </target>
Spacen Jasset
2009-09-18 22:44:14
what's "post compile"? Just add the copy command to your packaging target. Sounds like you're being too clever with Ant.
2009-09-19 00:13:29