



I am trying to get Haml to work with my Ruby on Rails project. I am new to Ruby on Rails and I really like it. However, when I attempt to add an aplication.html.haml or index.html.haml for a view, I just receive errors.

I am using NetBeans as my IDE. Any help would be appreciated.


What are the errors?

Do you have the HAML plugin installed?

+13  A: 

First, install haml as a gem in bundler by adding this to your Gemfile:

gem "haml"

Run bundle install, then make sure your views are named with a *.html.haml extension. For example:

`-- app
    `-- views
        |-- layouts
        |   `-- application.html.haml
        `-- users
            |-- edit.html.haml
            |-- index.html.haml
            |-- new.html.haml
            `-- show.html.haml
Ryan McGeary
If you have erb templates already go ahead and rename them .html.haml. At the top of the file tell haml to use the erb filter by putting :erb at the top of the file. Then you can slowly convert your templates. More on filters by visiting.
Why is it important to end with .html.haml and not just .haml?
Teef L
mathee, It's Rails convention. `name.mime.format` (e.g. show.html.erb, show.xml.builder, show.html.haml)
Ryan McGeary
+7  A: 

First, make sure you have the HAML gem.

gem list --local | grep haml

If haml doesn't show up in the list, then do this:

sudo gem install haml

Then do this from your project directory:

# cd ../
# haml --rails <yourproject>

That should install everything you need, and the HAML views should stop complaining and parse correctly.

Be mindful that for Rails 3, `haml --rails` is no longer needed. See my answer for Rails 3 howto.
+2  A: 

Before trying to use haml in your rails application, you can verify that the command line executable is installed correctly:

$ haml
  %span Hello World!

Then press CTRL-D and you should see:

  <span>Hello World!</span>

if for some reason you installed haml, but you haml doesn't start. try

sudo ln haml /usr/bin/

in the bin directory of your haml gem

for some reason this didn't happen automatically on my ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty.

+13  A: 

Haml with Rails 3

For Rails 3 all you need to do is add gem "haml" to your Gemfile. No need to install plugin or run haml --rails ..


$ cd awesome-rails-3-app.git
$ echo 'gem "haml"' >> Gemfile

And you're done.
