



Can anyone point me to any projects/django apps that provide a plugable custom storage system so I can use GridFS with Django to store file uploads?

I've found django-mongodb but it doesnt seem to support GridFS, nor does django-storages.


I plan to run mysql for the normal database requrements and only use mongodb for file storage so to be clear I dont want to use mongodb as my main database.

+3  A: 

I work on PyMongo, the MongoDB Python driver, and haven't heard of any project to provide custom storage for Django using GridFS. This looks like it wouldn't be very hard to write on top of PyMongo: could probably be a direct translation of the GridFS API onto the Django storage API. Maybe could take a look at throwing something together at some point, but this would be a great open-source project for anybody looking to get involved.

A: might be worth a look as it enables you to do that without the need to make changes to your existing Django code.

Markus Gattol