Anyone know of a good reg exp that can do this, optimally in one go? It needs to remove whitespace at begin/end of each line, remove LFs and CRs and replace with a single space but if there's a <br>
(or <br/>
) at the end of the line it should not add a space. I'd need this in a JavaScript conform regexp.
I would use something along these lines:
var str = ' foo<br>\nbar\nbaz \n quox\nquox';
// split into lines
var lines = str.split('\n');
// iterate over each line
for (var i = lines.length; i--; ) {
// trim whitespace
lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
// add whitespace at the end if string doesn't end with "<br>"
if (!/<br>$/.test(lines[i])) lines[i] += ' ';
// concatenate into a string again
2009-09-19 15:39:11
Thanks kangax! That'll do! Though I've thought there might an ultimate regexp but this works fine too!
2009-09-19 16:17:11
You'll be surprised but the bigger regex, the less efficient it usually is :) Often, it's better to break task into smaller chunks making life easier for yourself and for regex engine.
2009-09-19 16:21:56