Hi, I have in one of my directories an elisp file which I use to get a list of files:
((lambda ()
(let ((coding-system-for-write 'utf-8-emacs)
(get-these-files '("FILE1" "FILE2")))
(cmd "scp user@remotehost:pathtofiles/ .&"))
(mapcar (lambda (x) (shell-command (format cmd x)))
[I use a lambda form with () around it to define the function and invoke it immediately so that I don't have to bind the function to a name. The & at the end of the command is to run the process asynchronously.]
For the printed output messages, I wonder what coding system I should specify (in place of utf-8-emacs) to get rid of the ^M and show the message I might expect from the terminal? (I haven't found too many useful references on these and would also appreciate any relevant links you might provide).
Thanks much, Stephen