Hi. I'm looking for a good article on using emacs as C/C++ IDE.
Something like Steve Yegge's "Effective emacs".
Hi. I'm looking for a good article on using emacs as C/C++ IDE.
Something like Steve Yegge's "Effective emacs".
No specific article, really, but I've found EmacsWiki to be full of useful information. Consider checking out these entries:
I'm planning to write such article in near future, but you can now take my configuration of Cedet + Emacs, that helps me to effectively edit C++ sources. If you'll have questions, you could ask me directly
Be aware that Emacs' C++ mode is based on only regular expressions, not a grammar. Hence, the syntax highlighting is not based strictly on the syntax of the language itself, but rather is largely based on commonplace formatting. The Emacs syntax highlighting of C++ often makes mistakes.
The problem is not limited to syntax hightlighting. The same defective design applies to the automatic formatting. All this said, I have been using only Emacs for all of my editing of C++ source code for over 20 years, since the cfront days. (I usually turn off electric key bindings, because of Emacs' defective regex-based design. Regexes do not have enough expressive power to describe the C++ syntax accurately.