Hi, does OpenCV support alpha-channel? Or is there any way to work with transparent png? I need to merge two images, where the first one is background and the second one is image which was rotated by cvWarpAffine. I can do this by merging pixels one by one and omit pixels with some value, which I set in cvScalar in cvWarpAffine. However, I don't think that this is intended solution. Thanks for suggestions
OpenCV does not support alpha channel, only masking. If you want to read in PNG with alpha, use imagemagick first to extract alpha channel:
convert input.png -channel Alpha -negate -separate input-mask.png
Then in OpenCV you can do sth like this:
Mat_<float> mask = imread("input-mask.png", 0);
threshold(mask, mask, 254., 1., THRESH_BINARY);
... to get a real mask (usable as mask matrix in OpenCV operations). Or you can use it in your own operations without the thresholding. To apply the mask it may also be a good idea to extend it to three channels:
std::vector<Mat> marr(3, mask);
Mat_<Vec<float, 3> > maskRGB;
merge(marr, maskRGB);
After that you can test it like this:
imshow("Target", target);
imshow("Mask", mask*255);
imshow("Applied", target.mul(maskRGB));
Note: This is OpenCV 2.0 code.
2010-01-21 17:36:48