



I'm creating a list of <T>, but i want to know the type of that T-object. (i'm using reflection in my project, so i don't know the type when i'm creating my code.

So first i have my List --> List<T> values

Now i want to get all the properties of that T-object (for creating columns in a datagrid)

any help?


You can take one object from that list and look at its type. Though there is certainly a better way, I think.

What if not all the collection of the same type?
Ahmed Khalaf
@Ahmed - then it isn't a sensible list; actually, looking at the first item in the list is the official fallback approach used when an `IList` isn't also an `ITypedList`, and doesn't have a non-object indexer. So it isn't a *bad* suggestion. But if a `T` *can* be identified from the list itself, it is preferable.
Marc Gravell
The question clearly states it's a List<T>, there is no reason why the items in the list would be of different types
Abhijeet Patel
Well, the T might be a supertype of all items in the list, so you get a car for item 1, a bicycle for item 2, etc.
+11  A: 

You can just use typeof(T) in your class or generic method:

void ProcessList<T>(List<T> list) {
    Type typeOfT = typeof(T);
    // Work with type...
Reed Copsey
If the OP is using reflection (question), then there isn't a very good way of calling this method without already knowing the `T` in advance; at least, not until C# 4.0 (you could use it as a dynamic method and let the runtime worry about it).
Marc Gravell

Is it as easy as GetType(), and then using reflection for GetProperties()?

Jarrett Meyer
+1  A: 

For a GetListType function see this answer. To get the properties of the list for data-binding purposes, you should really use the component-model (for compatibility) - i.e.

PropertyDescriptorCollection props = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(type);

Then look at each PropertyDescriptor, using GetValue / Converter etc. Your list code will generally have to work against the non-generic IList; something like:

IList list = ...
object obj = list[rowIndex];
// then for any given "prop"
object val = prop.GetValue(obj);
string displayText = prop.Converter.ConvertToString(val);

However, if you wanted to be "complete" you'd also need to look at IListSource and ITypedList

Marc Gravell

The above gives you the type object for type 'T'


The above gives you the public properties available on 'T',you can pass in the appropriate BindingFlags as you see fit.

Abhijeet Patel