Consider the following code:
public class A
public class B : A
public class C : B
class D
public static bool IsDescendantOf(this System.Type thisType, System.Type thatType)
/// ???
void Main()
A cValue = new C();
I'm creating a list of <T>, but i want to know the type of that T-object. (i'm using reflection in my project, so i don't know the type when i'm creating my code.
So first i have my List --> List<T> values
Now i want to get all the properties of that T-object (for creating columns in a datagrid)
any help?
Given this snippet of OCaml code:
let rec range a b =
if a > b then []
else a :: range (a+1) b
The Repl tells me that it's type is:
val range : int -> int -> int list = <fun>
Giving it inputs such as:
range 0 4;;
gives back the list:
- : int list = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4]
However providing the input
range -4 2;;
Gives the...
there's an error I come across all the time but can't understand how to make it right. An example of code that gives me this error is:
class Someclass a where
somefunc :: (Num b) => b -> a -> a
data Sometype = Somecons Int
instance Someclass Sometype where
somefunc x (Somecons y) = Somecons (x+y)
The error message is:
I am trying to understand type members in Scala. I wrote a simple example that tries to explain my question.
First, I created two classes for types:
class BaseclassForTypes
class OwnType extends BaseclassForTypes
Then, I defined an abstract type member in trait and then defined the type member in a concerete class:
trait ScalaT...
Is it possible to create types like e.g. String(20) in scala?
The aim would be to have compiler checks for things like:
a: String(20)
b: String(30)
a = b; // throws a compiler exception when no implicit conversion is available
b= a; // works just fine
Note: It doesn't need to be/named String
In F# I have a function that returns System.Linq.Expression instances:
and System.Object with
member this.ToExpression() =
match this with
| :? System.Int32 -> Expression.Constant(this) :> Expression
| :? System.Boolean -> Expression.Constant(this) :> Expression
| :? Tml.Runtime.Seq as s -> s.ToExpression()
I've wrapped a Message and would like to log which message I've wrapped.
val any :Any = msg.wrappedMsg
var result :Class[_] = null
The only solution I could find is matching everything:
result = any match {
case x:AnyRef => x.getClass
case _:Double => classOf[Double]
case _:Float => classOf[Float]
case _:Long => classOf[Lo...
This may seem a bit odd, but I really need to create a workaround for the very complicated duplex - communication - handling in C#, especially to force other developers to observe the DRY - principle.
So what I'm doing is to have a type based multiton that looks like this:
internal sealed class SessionManager<T> where T : DuplexService...
I am asking this because it seems like using Object seems to be an easy way out to solve certain problems, like "I don't have a specific type, so use Object", etc.
Also the reason this made me curious is because a colleague of mine told me that if .NET was a true object-oriented platform then it wouldn't have to have a catch all type li...
I don't know if the title of the question is clear but I am wondering the actual types of custom F# types.
Like in C#, there are value types and reference types. For F#, is there a single type that governs the type system?
Are they all value types (since they are immutable by default)?
Or is/are there completely new types that's nothi...
If not and the set of reference types and value types are mutually exclusive, why doesn't this compile:
public static void Do<T>(T obj) where T : struct { }
public static void Do<T>(T obj) where T : class { }
The compiler states: "Type already defines a member called 'Do' with the same parameter types.", but T and T are not the same h...