



I'm currently working on an ajax-based application using PHP on the server-side and javascript(jQuery) on the client-side. I want to make sure my application is as secure as possible and need to know what things are absolutely necessary to do before launch of such application. What to check and what are the most vulnerable areas? I'm not asking you to go into details but to point out the most important things to look into. Thank you!

+4  A: 

Look here, hopefully you find what is appropriate to your situation:

What should a developer know before building a public web site?

Developer Art
I remember reading this when I had just started. Great read.
Thank you, great!
+2  A: 

There are plenty security aspects you should consider. See for example the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities in 2007.

Thanks a lot. It's a helpful list!
+2  A: 

injections from public are something I tend to concern myself with a bit. You need to make sure the site is protected from SQL, HTML, JS and XSS injections.
