



I want to design the property window in Silverlight by using DataGrid. It will have two header columns. The value header can have the different types of controls. It might have combobox, textbox and other controls. Here is the view for the datagrid.

  1. Name--------------Type of the control(Control to display)
  2. DisplayText-------TextBox
  3. Type--------------ComboBox
  4. IsEnabled---------CheckBox

If it is not possible in the datagrid then please suggest some other way to achieve the same.


Have you looked at DataForm? I'm not sure why you'd want to do do the above in a DataGrid.

Tim Heuer
I tried the dataform and this is good for me. but I want few more requirement like if there is any class type variable then I want to show a button which will open a pop-up window to display the properties of that class.
Anil Kumar