



I'm trying to cut my last dependencies on PHP and MySQL. The last stumbling block is a image gallery I set up for a client a while ago. The whole website is built around Django and Zine, except for the image gallery, which is based on plogger. I'd love to replace plogger with a Python solution. Requirements include:

  • good admin interface with batch upload (my client thinks FTP is some kind of disease)
  • uses a templating system (e.g. Jinja)
  • WSGI interface
  • supports PostgreSQL
  • bonus points if it is a Django app

I looked at django-photologue, which seems to be a good base for building a gallery app. But it isn't really a drop-in gallery app, which is what I'm looking for.

+4  A: 

There is django-photo-gallery, django photo album and another django-photo-gallery (don't know if its the same one.)

Anything else, and you'll have to make your own.

django-photo-album looks interesting. Thanks! (BTW: real URL is, I hate those softpedia guys!)
@piquadrat: yeah, me too, so I updated the link ;)