



Hi there,

I am having a problem mapping. I was reading scottGU post of "data shaping features" -

but i have tried this

      IQueryable<AccessRights> accessRights = 
                            from t1 in this.db.AccessRights
                            join t2 in this.db.AccessRightsExtra
                            on t1.IdAccessRights equals t2.IdAccessRights 
                            where t2.IdUser== userId
                            select new AccessRights
                                IdAccessRights = t1.IdAccessRights,
                                Description= t2.Description

but produces this error "Explicit construction of entity type '#some type#' in query is not allowed"

As per scottgus post in link above i have also tried ( notice missing type after the the new in select)

     IQueryable<AccessRights> accessRights = 
                            from t1 in this.db.AccessRights
                            join t2 in this.db.AccessRightsExtra
                            on t1.IdAccessRights equals t2.IdAccessRights 
                            where t2.IdUser== userId
                            select new
                                IdAccessRights = t1.IdAccessRights,
                                Description= t2.Description

but this produces

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Linq.IQueryable'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

Really appreciate any insight that anyone has.

+2  A: 

How about:

 IEnumerable<AccessRights> accessRights = 
    // This bit works in the database
    (from t1 in this.db.AccessRights
    join t2 in this.db.AccessRightsExtra
    on t1.IdAccessRights equals t2.IdAccessRights 
    where t2.IdUser== userId
    select new
        IdAccessRights = t1.IdAccessRights,
        Description= t2.Description
    .AsEnumerable() // From here on it's in-process
    .Select(x => new AccessRights
                IdAccessRights = x.IdAccessRights,
                Description= x.Description

Note that the result is IEnumerable<T> rather than IQueryable<T>, but it will still be lazily evaluated. Is that going to cause a problem?

Alternatively, just use the anonymous type using an implicitly typed local variable:

var accessRights = from t1 in this.db.AccessRights
                   join t2 in this.db.AccessRightsExtra
                   on t1.IdAccessRights equals t2.IdAccessRights 
                   where t2.IdUser== userId
                   select new
                       IdAccessRights = t1.IdAccessRights,
                       Description= t2.Description

This will still be an IQueryable<T> but where T is an anonymous type. You won't be able to use this as an IQueryable<AccessRights> but if all you need is the IdAccessRights and Description properties, and you only need them in the same method, it might be good enough for you...

Jon Skeet
Thanks Jon! .. yep the second one works, problem is i need to cast it to IQueryable<AccessRights> so i tried the following but test is null. IQueryable<AccessRights> test = accessRights as IQueryable<AccessRights>; Is there a special way of casting it to my IQueryable<AccessRights>?? The column names in the anonymous type are exactly the same as the AccessRights?
mark smith