I am trying to test how my class reacts on to what happens when the BackgroundWorker fires the RunWorkerCompleted event.
I am using RhinoMocks (if there is another approach I am willing to try it as well) and the code is as follows:
var bw1 = MockRepository.GenerateStub<BackgroundWorker>();
Action work1 = () => Thread.Sleep(1);
WorkQueueProcess processInQueue = new WorkQueueProcess(bw1) { Work = work1 };
var tested = new WorkQueue() { processInQueue };
// act
bw1.Raise(bw => bw.RunWorkerCompleted += null, bw1, new RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs(null, null, false));
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(false, tested.IsBusy);
I am getting an exception that says:
Invalid call, the last call has been used or no call has been made (make sure that you are calling a virtual (C#) / Overridable (VB) method).
What am I doing wrong ? Is it because BackgroundWorker has no virtual methods? I thought I should be able to raise an event regardless, because event are hardly ever virtual.