




Hi there,

I have a single Classic ASP page that I wish to display a search form and the associated results.

When a user first comes to this page, I want to display a search form and the 10 latest properties. If a user decides to use the search form to retrieve more relevant properties, then i want the default 10 latest properties to be replaced with the users' paged search results.

So far my code looks like this;


<div class="search">
<h3>Search form</h3>
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="gist188770.asp">
<label>Street: <input type="text" name="searchStreet" value="<%=Server.HtmlEncode(Request("searchStreet") & "") %>" /></label>
<label>Town: <input type="text" name="searchTown" value="<%=Server.HtmlEncode(Request("searchTown") & "") %>" /></label>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


if (Request.ServerVariables("REQUEST_METHOD") = "POST") then

'arrived via post get form values and do search
Dim myRecordSet
Dim myRecordSet_numRows

Set myRecordSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = MM_dbconn_STRING

'collect the form input
set objDBParam = objDBCommand.CreateParameter("@ContentStreet",200,1,100)
    objDBCommand.Parameters.Append objDBParam
    objDBCommand.Parameters("@ContentStreet") = Request.QueryString("searchStreet")
set objDBParam = Nothing
set objDBParam = objDBCommand.CreateParameter("@ContentStreet",200,1,100)
    objDBCommand.Parameters.Append objDBParam
    objDBCommand.Parameters("@ContentTown") = Request.QueryString("searchTown")
set objDBParam = Nothing
set objDBParam = objDBCommand.CreateParameter("@ContentStreet",200,1,20)
    objDBCommand.Parameters.Append objDBParam
    objDBCommand.Parameters("@ContentPostcode") = Request.QueryString("searchPostcode")
set objDBParam = Nothing

'check for a match
myRecordSet.Source = "SELECT *"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "FROM ("
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "SELECT id"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "FROM ("
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "SELECT id"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "WHERE ContentStreet LIKE '%" & "@ContentStreet" & "%'"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "UNION ALL"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "SELECT id"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "WHERE ContentTown LIKE '%" & "@ContentTown" & "%'"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "UNION ALL"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "SELECT id"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "WHERE ContentPostCode LIKE '%" & "@ContentPostcode" & "%'"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& ") qi"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "GROUP BY"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "id"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "HAVING COUNT(*) >= 2"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& ") q"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "JOIN VWTenantPropertiesResults r"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "ON r.id = q.id"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "WHERE ContentBedrooms BETWEEN 1 AND 4"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "AND ContentPrice BETWEEN 50 AND 500"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "ORDER BY"
myRecordSet.Source = myRecordSet.Source& "ContentPrice"

'display the results
if myRecordSet.BOF then
response.write("Latest properties:<br>")
do until myRecordSet.EOF
<div class='result'>")
end if

    'arrived via get show last 10 results
    Dim myRecordSet2
    Dim myRecordSet2_numRows

    Set myRecordSet2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    myRecordSet2.ActiveConnection = MM_dbconn_STRING
    myRecordSet2.Source = "SELECT TOP 10 FROM VWTenantPropertiesResults ORDER BY ContentPrice"

    'display the results
    if myRecordSet2.BOF then
    do until myRecordSet2.EOF
    <div class='result'>")
end if

end if


But when I view the page, I get the following error;

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e78'

Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

/welcome/gist188770.asp, line 98

Line 98 is as follows;

if myRecordSet2.BOF then

I wondered if anyone might be able to help me solve this issue? Thank you for any help offered.


+1  A: 

You haven't opened the recordset at the point of you using BOF.

In addition you are creating a command object but not assigning the SQL text to it instead you are assigning the sql text directly to the recordset.

You sould assign the SQL to the CommandText property of the command object and then retrieve a recordset by calling the Command objects Execute method.


More stuff that needs fixing

Your SQL concatentation doesn't include any vbCrLf or whitespace on the end of each line. The SQL will not execute.

Do not assign connection string directly to ActiveConnection, whilst that works ADODB doesn't manage connection pooling correctly doing it that way. Always instance a Connection object and assign that to the ActiveConnection property.

Edit 2:

Yet another issue

Your code is accessing the criteria from the Request.QueryString yet your form element specifies method="post" in which case you should be using Request.Form instead.
