



The Django Book has a neat content publishing template. Anyone knows if it's available for public use?

Alternatively, what Django sources would you recommend as an easy to use, out of the box CMS?

+4  A: 

According to this post on the mailing list, the source hasn't been released, and it doesn't look like it will be.

I'd be interested in seeing the code as well.

All we know is that it uses the YUI / extjs comment system. Based on that mailing list post it sounds like the code the Django site uses is from a BSD licensed version of the code, so perhaps you could use that javascript as a starting point.

Ian Bicking created a similar commentary system implemented as WSGI middleware. Here are the docs for it. Looks like the source is here.


I think you're looking for Open Book Platform

Its author, limodou, made a clone of the Django Book platform very early on.

L. De Leo
Can you see any download link over there? Can't see nothing.
It looks like only the source is available. See this page for instructions on how to do a checkout:
Unfortunately the limodou code is quite old. Browsing SVN indicates it mostly dates to February, 2007. It was written against an old version of Django and might require a fair amount of work to run with 1.1.1 stable. If I can't find something usable I'm going to have to write this myself. And, yes, it will be FLOSS.
Peter Rowell
+1  A: 

Remark box is built on the same principles as the DjangoBook comment system, its a free service for small sites.

And unlike other projects, it can be used on any HTML page, integration is just a few JavaScript lines. You might want to check it out if you like the DjangoBook-like contextual comments.

Their front page has a live demo


there is also commentpress, a similar comment model for wordpressm made by the institute for the future of the book