





Basically I have two applications:

  • a PHP web application that runs over Apache and Mysql
  • a ruby application that has been built with gem dependencies

What I would like to be able to create is a self extracting archive; once all the files have been extracted into any directory, my users can just click two bat files:

  • the first one configures and runs Apache and Mysql + deploy my PHP application
  • the second one runs my ruby application

Is it possible to do that? if yes, how?

+3  A: 

You should take a look at InstantRails. The package is an archive of the Windows Ruby distribution that includes Ruby 1.8, RoR 2, MySQL, Apache, PHP, and PHPmyadmin. It is a fairly large archive, but it looks to have everything that you need for your project. It is a bit behind in it's rails distribution, but can be updated with a 'gem update' statement.

Jacob Winn
thanks for that