



hello all,

I have written a short script using avisynth. It takes a number of vodeos, stacks them, and adds some text. I can open the script file in virtualDub and save it as an avi file from there, but what I would like is a way to do this without human action in the process. e.g. have a command line that opens the script in virtualdub, sets the video encoding (maybe this step can be done using the avisynth script?) and saves the output as an avi file.

Can this be done?

Thanks, Yair

+2  A: 

Ok, I think I got this one:

I found a command line tool called avs2avi ( pretty much all I needed :)

Hope this would benefit someone else as well.

Thanks, Yair

This only works with ancient VFW filters (it's just a wrapper around virtualdub) have you found anything newer - that can use x264 or ffmpeg?
Martin Beckett

Answering my one comment, x264 can read avs and write it's regular output

x264 example.avs -o example.mp4 --rest_of_x264_options
Martin Beckett