I'm wondering how to use a VideoDisplay object (defined in MXML) to display video streamed from FMS via a NetStream.
The Flex3 docs suggest this is possible:
The Video Display ... supports progressive download over HTTP, streaming from the Flash Media Server, and streaming from a Camera object.
However, later in the docs all I can see is an attachCamera() method. There doesn't appear to be an attachStream() method like the old Video object has.
It looks like you can play a fixed file served over HTML by using the source property, but I don't see anything about how to attach a NetStream.
The old Video object still seems to exist, though it's not based on UIComponent and doesn't appear to be usable in MXML.
I found this blog post that shows how to do it with a regular Video object, but I'd much prefer to use VideoDisplay (or something else that can be put directly in the MXML).