You can attach an element (picture, sound, etc) if they have:
- SymbolClass exported for it (or maybe ExportAsset)
- AS3 class stub generated (for flash9+ at least) - HaXe will take care of this, at least for resources on the first frame
For haxe, you have to support the
-swf-lib mylib.swf
switch, which takes only one swf as parameter. If you would like to use multiple libs, you can assemble them into one with either swfmill or SamHaxe, and suppprt the assembled lib.
From Haxe, you can then use
var mySprite: flash.display.Sprite = cast Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass("the.exported.SpriteSymbolName"), []);
var myBitmap: flash.display.Bitmap = cast Type.createInstance(Type.resolveClass("the.exported.BitmapSymbolName"), []);
Hope this helps.