
Software to manage (hardware and software) assets

Can anyone recommend a system or piece of software that will allow me to keep track of the assets in our (small) company. Ideally I'm looking for something that will track laptops, desktops etc, as well as software we may have purchased. Would be a bonus if it also kept track of less tangible things like domains. Free would be nice, b...

Apache's AuthDigestDomain and Rails Distributed Asset Hosts

I've got a server I'm in the process of setting up and I'm running into an Apache configuration problem that I can not get around. I've got Apache 2.2 and Passenger serving a Rails app with distributed asset hosting. This is the feature of Rails that lets you serve your static assets from, assets1, assets2, and so on...

[HaXe] Attaching swf elements by ObjectID

I have swf file with some graphics I need to use in my haxe(future compiled to swf too) program. There is no problem with embedding pictures by swfmill, so i tried to disassemble the swf with swfmill and found some entries like DefineSprite and DefineShape which have objectID's. Is it possible to attach these elements from haxe using th...

as3 - getting library symbols from an Assets class

I have created an assets.swf, in which I want to keep all my symbols. Then, I have created an Assets class which does the embedding. It looks like this: public class Assets extends MovieClip { [Embed(source="assets.swf", symbol="MyBox")] public static var MyBox:Class; public function Assets() { } } ...

Flash AS3 CS4 Project Organisation

I have a large .fla file with all my movieclips (and associated classes) for an entire site in the library. The whole thing is getting unmanageable - compiling very slowly - and not getting any smaller so I would like to know the simplest way to manage my assets in other fla files to be brought together when the main fla is published. ...

What's the proper way to work with assets in Yii?

I notice that Yii creates strange set of directories (names like 8523d23 or 10s89b92) in assets directory, and this even happens at runtime. For example, one of my tables got more than 10 records, pagination kicked-in and I got a new files in assets subdirectory named pager.css. When I move my site from testing to production, should I c...

AS3 & Swfmill: How to access assets in swfmill-generated library swf

Hi! I'm creating library swfs in as3 this way, works like a charm (except for the slow mxmlc compiler): package { import flash.display.Sprite; public class Library extends Sprite { [Embed(source="assets/test.png")] public var TestBitmap:Class; } } I would like to create the same kind of libary using swfmill. I've tried ...

How do I upload an image as a File and display it as a Thumbnail with Tapestry 5?

Using the 3rd party tapestry-upload component, I can upload a File from the client on the server. Using the chenillekit's thumbnail component, a can make a thumbnail from an Asset. How can I convert my File into an Asset in order for the Thumbnail component to provide me the image thumbnail ? ...

WebView not loading Assets correctly...

I have a WebView that I'm using to display some html/image files stored in the assets/ directory. I'm able to have the WebView load and html page fine with: mWebView.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/ContentRoot/SubDir/file.html"); or String data = StaticFunctions.inputStreamToString(getAssets().open("ContentRoot/SubDir/file.html")); m...

Assets Management in a clustered environment

Hello, I have a content management system running on a web server, that among others allows the user to upload assets like images, files, etc to the server. The problem i have is that there will be 2 servers running behind a load balancer and i am trying to find an efficient way to handle the assets management. The question i have is: ...

Finding unused images in a Rails app?

I'm familiar with tools like Deadweight for finding CSS not in use in your Rails app, but does anything exist for images? I'm sitting in a project with a massive directory of assets from working with a variety of designers and I'm trying to trim the fat in this project. It's especially a pain when moving assets to our CDN. Any thought...

how to override base path parameter inside flex application

Hello, I'm having difficult time solving an absolute/relative path issues. When using as3 and embed my swf via swf object JS, one of the parameters that being transferred to the embed JS function is "base=" which needed in order to load external widget into application. Now, am also loading external assets like ...

Managing Website Stock Content

I'm forever downloading elements that I think will be useful when designing or developing a website - icons, fonts, psd's etc. The trouble is i've so much of this stuff, I don't actually know what I have already! I've tried breaking it down into relevant folders and sub folders and this used to work. But I'm wondering how other desin...

What's the best way to store and access XML in Android?

While I realize resources themselves are defined in XML files, if I have an XML file of my own type that I wish to use, should I be storing them in "res/xml"? Is there a better way to do this such as using assets and then loading them as binary to be parsed by another XML library? ...

actionscript/flex : fetching assets from a CDN

I have a peculiar problem. My main.swf loads symbols from other swfs at runtime. If I keep all the swfs(main and others) on my server, things work fine. But if I keep all of them on a CDN, one particular symbol won't display occassionally. With flash tracer plugin for firefox I am able to see that all the symbols have been loaded a...

bitmap data as movie clip

Hi, I import my images with imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete); imageLoader.load(imageRequest); and then try and cast as a movieclip: var newImage:MovieClip = imageLoader.content as MovieClip; addChild(newImage); i keep getting errors, is this possible? Thanks, Ross ...

Rails Asset Caching Breaks First few page loads

We're using Rails asset caching for JS and CSS like this: <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'reset','global','admins','autocomplete', 'date_input', 'tablesorter', 'partners', 'jqmodal', :media => 'screen', :cache => set_asset_cache(:admins) %> <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults, 'autocomplete', 'searchbox', 'jqmodal', :cache => set_asset_cache(...

creating 2d sprites for games ?

i am pretty new to developing games...i thought i would begin by making a simple 2d game.... curious what tools are commonly used to transform images to pixel sprites ? or is this done by hand, if so what tools are used ? even better, is there a marketplace where i can purchase game sprites and other game assets ? ...

Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder

I'm going crazy, I created a file object, so it can be read with ObjectInputStream, and I placed the assets folder. The method works with a file smaller than 1M, and give error with larger files. I read that is a limit of Android platform, but I also know that can be "easily" avoided. Those who have downloaded the game Reging Thunder, fo...

Why isn't my assets folder being installed on emulator?

Where are my assets being installed to? I utilize an assets folder in my new app. I have two files in the folder. When I install my app on the emulator, I cannot access my assets, and furthermore I cannot see them on the emulator filesystem. Extracted my apk and confirmed the assets folder exists: $ ls -ltr assets/ total 16 -rw-rw-r-...