
Handle rollbacks for data edits in a multi-user environment?

How to you typically handle roll backs for data edits in a multi-user environment? Do you identify the transaction and build a graph of any subsequent dependent transactions and then roll them all back ? Do most RDBMS's provide an interface or mechanism to do this sort of thing? Naive as I am, I thought about restoring from backup, but ...

Assets Management in a clustered environment

Hello, I have a content management system running on a web server, that among others allows the user to upload assets like images, files, etc to the server. The problem i have is that there will be 2 servers running behind a load balancer and i am trying to find an efficient way to handle the assets management. The question i have is: ...

Preserving data while expanding/merging Core Data models

Two separate but related questions regarding the use of Core Data: 1) I add an entity/attribute/relationship to my Core Data model in Xcode. Is there a way to have it recognize the information in the existing storedata file and augment it, instead of simply saying that it is incompatible with the existing model? For example, if I have...

best way to store data locally and update from web from time to time ?

Hi, I have created an app which displays information in a organized manner about cultural places. The information is subject to changes, so I want it to be downloaded from the web. But not everytime. Only once in a while, because information doesn't change often. What I want to do is, the first time the user opens the application, it ...

How to restore a navigationcontroller path when relaunching the app ?

Hi all, I am building an app based on a navigation controller. I would like that the user has the ability when he relaunches the app to see the last screen he saw when he quit the app. It's exactly like in the mail app, when you push "home" while composing a mail, then when you go back to your mails you directly arrive on the mail yo...

Storing and managing video files

What approach is considered to be the best to store and manage video files? As databases are used for small textual data, are databases good enough to handle huge amounts of video/audio data? Are databases, the formidable solution? Apart from size of hard disk space required for centrally managing video/audio/image content, what are the...

Where to put data management rules for complex data validation in ASP.NET MVC?

Hello, I am currently working on an ASP.NET MVC2 project. This is the first time I am working on a real MVC web application. The ASP.NET MVC website really helped me to get started really fast, but I still have some obscure knowledge concerning datamodel validation. My problem is that I do not really know where to manage my filled data...