
Security of Android assets folder

Is the assets folder only accessible to the app or can the user see it too? For my app I want to store a credential certificate and video files on local storage but I am not sure how to hide these items from the users. The assets folder seems like the only choice. ...

Where should I place downloadable files for my component?

I am developing a Joomla Component which will allow visitors to download a sound file (be it mp3, or wave, does not matter). Those files are managed in the admin interface and can be unpublished in there. Therefore, it seems that placing them in the assets section is not an option, as it would make them accessible directly from the serv...

SAving pictures which needed by my application

Hi, My app needs to download picture from internet time to time and store them to show when it runs according to the selection. how can i download the pictures and what is the way to store them in my application folder or etc. i m trying to use file output stream on application local folders such as assets and drawable but so far no luck...

How to consistently serve assets from same CDN host?

So, in order to speed up load times, we're setting up a bunch of CDN hostnames to serve images and assets from. What's the best way to consistently use the same host for the same asset? E.g. button.gif always gets served from I was thinking of coming up with some rule, where the md5 hash of the filename s...

Load images or whole site from local "assets" folder using webview, ANDROID

the question i have is simple but hard to put in words, ill give it a try anyways. i am trying to load a web page in webview, however the load time is a little high. -is there anyway i can put the images in the assets folder and load them from there instead? -if not, is there a way i can load the whole site from the assets folder, prov...

Wants to play mp4 video from assets folder in android.

Hi to all, I want to play mp4 video which is available in my assets/raw folder. I am successfully playing mp4 video from my sd card but not able to get video from assets folder or from raw folder. ...

flex 4: importing flash symbols from an swf that was fetched using URLRequest

Hello. I'm trying for several days now to properly import flash symbols into a flex application. i can't only @Embed because the swf file that contains the skins will not be available locally so i need to use URLRequest. This is what I've got so far. I created a flash file, lets call it foo.swf that contains several elements in the li...

Android Show image by path

i want to show image in imageview without using id. i will place all images in raw folder and open try { String ss = "res/raw/images/inrax/3150-MCM.jpg"; in = new FileInputStream(ss); buf = new BufferedInputStream(in); Bitmap bMap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(buf); image.setImageBi...

Rails: Set cookie only on www subdomain?

I have set up an asset host at but it appears that cookies are being sent with requests to I read somewhere that if you have cookies set to then this will happen. So I guess I'm trying to set cookies only to so that requests to will not send cookies. (I als...

Where to obtain royalty-free assets that can be used in Android/iPhone games?

I would like to create some Android and iPhone games in my spare time, but I'm not an artist. Where would you suggest I go to find royalty free graphics, music and sounds that can be used as part of a game? ...

Android: How to transfer a test fixture file to device from unit test application

I'm writing an Android JUnit test and want to copy/reset a test fixture file (it's an SQLite database file.) If I were within the main application, I know I could just place the file in the assets directory and use getResources().getAssets().open(sourceFile) However, this API appears to be unavailable from the ActivityInstrumentationTe...

How to hyperlink android html assets when using chrome client?

I have a main page (main.html) in the assets folder that I am displaying with: webview.setWebChromeClient(new MyWebChromeClient()); webview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); webview.addJavascriptInterface(new VersionCallbackScript(), "demo"); webview.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/main.html"); and I want to put a link in the ...

How to quickly deploy assets to Amazon S3 with an Ant target?

What is the quickest way to deploy content to a CDN with an Ant target? My Ant target is running on a continuous integration server (Hudson). My current solution uses curl and is a bit slow. Should I use wput or something else and how would I do that in ant? <target name="Deploy"> <for param="file"> <path> <fileset dir=...

Android: How to reference asset images from a remotely loaded html page in webview

Hello, I'm trying to load/reference images from the app's assets folder from within a HTML page in a WebView. Unlike in most of the examples the HTML page itself is not located in the assets folder but is loaded from a server via http. The background of this question are some performance improvements which should reduce the loading time...

android - accessing test application assets

Hi, I've an XML file in the assets directory of my test application. I want to access this file from my suite method of the test class. ie., public static TestSuite suite(){ InputStream stream = // Some code which returns the asset } Any idea how I can do this? I tried with Resources.Resources.getSystem().getAssets() but no luck ...

Android Assets-Folder: it takes always the first file by alphabetical order

Hello I'm new in Java/Android programming, so please have patience with me. I try to play a mp3 which is locate und the assets folder. I know there is another way with the /res/raw/ folder, but use the assets-folder because later I'll try to access the file by String. This code works to play a mp3-file: try { Medi...

Access CSS fonts from Android 'Assets' folder

I'm trying to change the font of web pages loaded in to a Browser app developed for Android. Currently my custom font is hosted in a URL & I access the font from there by injecting a JavaScript to the page to change the style sheet (CSS) font face. Here is the current code: var css = '@font-face {font-family: "dhanika"; src: url(http:/...

Iphone stop assetEnumerator

void (^assetEnumerator)(struct ALAsset *, NSUInteger, BOOL *) = ^(ALAsset *result, NSUInteger index, BOOL *stop) { How can I stop the assetEnumerator run loop? Thanks. ...

Assets Security in Android.

Hello buddies, How can we make Android assets secure so that no one can read them after app deployment? ...