
What's the best CDN for image hosting on a high-volume web site?

Akamai is way too expensive. Photobucket is not reliable. Is there a great content delivery network that I can use just to host my images? We deploy images programmatically via FTP, so there is some programming behind the scenes. Having some sort of reporting about the reliability of the service, whether it's raw logs files or a web-...

Why move your Javascript files to a different main domain that you also own?

I've noticed that just in the last year or so, many major websites have made the same change to the way their pages are structured. Each has moved their Javascript files from being hosted on the same domain as the page itself (or a subdomain of that), to being hosted on a differently named domain. It's not simply parallelization Now, t...

Where can I find free content hosting?

Is there any free hosting for Javascript? Recently google has been hosting jQuery,etc... and Yahoo hosts it's YUI, which is great, but it'd be even better if there was a service that could host user scripts and things like that. Any ideas? ...

How do I reference assets from a different subdomain (or CDN) in production?

I am working both in the Ruby and Java worlds. I have been inspired somewhat by the merb-assets project, which provides various functionality to make it easy to reference assets (images, CSS, etc.) located on a subdomain (or CDN). I want to do the same in Java: in development and testing, I want to use either JSTL's <c:url> or Struts ...

Low Cost Technical Architecture for a Website Backend

I'm looking at opening up a website in the near future and aside from the standard domain registration costs, I'm unsure of how to proceed. I'm expecting the volume of data to be quite significant and looking at many webhosts it seems that while they might offer extreme bandwidth caps, I've been told they often suspend accounts before yo...

Content Delivery Network algorithms, examples, code

What design considerations must be taken when writing software for content-distribution systems, such as managing the synchronisation and distribution of data, redirecting downloads to the nearest servers and so on? I am also looking for examples of open source CDN (content delivery network) software. I can think of two projects, CoralC...

dojo.xd.js not recognizing

Hi, When I use an import such as <script type="text/javascript" src="" djConfig="parseOnLoad:true, isDebug: true"></script> I get the error is not a constructor for lines such as var stateStore = new{url: "dojo-passcsv.php", label: "name"...

Hosted Microsoft Ajax on CDN?

Google hosts popular ajax libraries for free at : You get to take advantage of their bandwidth, their CDN and most importantly that users may already have it cached from another site that is retrieving their JS files from google. Was just wondering if the same is true for Microsoft AJAX anywhere?...

jQuery CDN host with vsdoc?

Following on from this question (that I asked) and this question (that Simon asked), is there a CDN that provides the jQuery script AND the -vsdoc version side-by-side? e.g. Google provide: but don't provide

CDN options for image resizing

Background: I working on an application on Google App Engine. Its been going really well until I hit one of their limitations in file size -- 1MB. One of the components of my application resizes images, which have been uploaded by users. The files are directly uploaded to S3 (

How to avoid client caching with CDN

Working on a project in AS3 I require to stream a few files for bandwidth testing purposes. The files needs to come from the CDN (the clients closest proxy) in order to make the bandwidth test reliable. Of course if the remote files get cached in the clients browser the bandwidth test would not be reliable. Usually I would add a time-s...

Does file size matter when deciding to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?

I'm trying to figure out the effectiveness of using a CDN versus hosting images locally. Assuming that our load is such that serving an image or javascript file from the same server that is hosting the HTML content will not be any slower when compared against using a CDN, at what point does locality take effect? My understanding of how ...

How to add additional headers to 302 redirects in Apache?

I have a redirect in Apache config like Redirect temp /foo.xml I am trying to add an Expire and m-cache headers for a CDN to this 302. This would be trivial in php, but I need to do this in Apache config files. Normally this is done like this: ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault "access plus 10 mi...

Is IE8 going to break my CDN hosted jQuery ?

IE8 has a feature called InPrivate Filtering, which will block scripts it finds on webpages from more than 'n' different sites. I'm listening to the most recent 'Security Now' podcast which is raving about this feature as being great. At the very same time I'm screaming NOOO! What the *#&$ -- because my site (as does many many others) ...

Domain aliasing vs edge side includes for CDN

I'm designing a web application to support use of a CDN in the future. Two options I've considered: Use domain aliasing for static content on the site, including CSS, JS, and some images. Use "edge side includes" to designate static content regions. (1) is simpler and I've implemented it before. For example, we would prefix each IMG...

Improving worldwide website performance without using a CDN?

CDNs seem like a tremendously brute-force approach to improving website performance across the world, since they use some thousands of machines close to the end-user to ensure good throughput. Are there any ways of improving performance over long distances with high latency or slow-ish links (e.g., UK to Australia) over the "usual" meth...

Amazon S3: when/why

So, I have a dedicated server. I host about dozen or so small sites. Is there a real benefit in using S3(or Mosso) for my image and static file hosting? My server has more than enough disk space, or am I completely missing the point of S3? I keep reading about how wonderful and cheap it is, and I ask myself "self, why aren't you using ...

Is using a CDN possible when you're running a HTTPS website?

I have a website with only home page available through simple HTTP protocol. All other pages are accessible only through HTTP over SSL(https://). I'm using CDN for home page and very happy with it. But for me it looks like using CDN for https pages is impossible because of security warnings, especially in IE. My files hosted at CDN are...

Alternative to Amazon S3 for the data center?

I'm looking to for a service that is similar to Amazon S3, a simple service to store and retrieve arbitrary data (and meta-data), but one that runs locally in your own data center. Strictly speaking, I'm not sure whether you would call this a CDN or a lightweight CMS. It must be horizontally scalable (both for storage and bandwidth) a...

Can you recommend an effective and cheap CDN for video streaming?

I am looking for a streaming CDN recommendation. Cost and performance are my chief concerns. Video viewers may be all over the globe, with the, US, Europe, Russia and South America topping the list (yes, I know that leaves out a little :-). I saw the following list of streaming CDNs in LinkedIn: Akamai, BitGravity, EdgeCast, Highwinds,...