
Getting javascript libraries from Google / Microsoft CDNs through SSL

Hi, I'm getting a couple of libraries from Google / Microsoft CDNs. ONLY one page on the system uses SSL but since I'm referencing libraries on the master page I'm getting the javascript libraries using the SSL so the single page that actually requires it doesn't throw security errors because accessing unsafe resources. I've read tha...

Google's AJAX CDN

Does any one know how to access the Claro css file for version 1.3.2 I tried this link but it did not work? ...

Getting [email protected] when trying to display eamil using collection_select

I am using Ruby 1.8.7 with Rails 2.3.9. When creating a drop down of email addresses using collection select, the emails addresses are not displaying. Instead I am seeing "[email protected]" in the drop down. Is there some switch that is causing this? There seems to be some javascript that is being applied to each item in the drop d...

How does the Customer Origin/ Mirror bucket concept in CDN work?

I call a 3rd party webservice for some content. I dont want to call them every time. Instead, I am planning to create a mirror bucket/customer origin to the webservice so that I always request content from the CDN and the CDN can throttle the requests to the 3rd party. My question is, to implement this, does the 3rd party need to kno...

Which CDN does Netflix and Hulu use and how can they offer unlimited streaming for $10 per month?

Do anybody know which CDN Netflix and Hulu use for hosting their content and what they are paying for traffic/streaming costs? (meaning; how can they possibly offer unlimited streaming for about $10 per month when considering all the streaming traffic costs I would think that they have to pay?) Also, is it possible to set up Silverli...

Storing files (videos/images/music) in CouchDB/Cloudant vs CDN (CloudFront)?

I am new to CouchDB/Cloudant and CDN (CloudFront). I am about to build an application using CouchDB as database. This web application will handle a lot of files. I know that CouchDB can store files in the database as attachments. But then I have heard about leveraging CDN to store and distribute the files all over the world. My quest...

How to reference CDN images in a stylesheet which may use HTTPS?

I have all my site images setup to serve from Amazon's Cloudfront CDN. If my pages will sometimes be served as both HTTP and HTTPS, then should I make all image paths HTTPS to the CDN? Is this a poor practice? Any other ideas? ...

Web Hosting Recommendations

I am developing a website and I currently host with Media Temple. I have a Virtual Dedicated server , and I often find that thing load really slow. I'm looking for recommendations on hosting specific to my needs (I already read the post on recommended hosts). I like the support and admin interface that Media TEmple has, I'm just not sati...

Enabling and disabling CDN via ScriptManager

I want to use the Microsoft's CDN for hosting the AJAX Library for my .NET 4.0 web application. However, I was asked to implement a fallback for when the CDN isn't available or when developers want to develop locally without internet. In these scenarios the ScriptManager should send the locally hosted copies rather than the CDN copies ...

What libraries does Google host (other than jQuery) ?

Hi fellow SOers, First, I apology if I used the wrong term in the question (Please feel free to edit if I'm wrong). I know Google hosts (almost) all version of jQuery, jQuery UI (js and css) For example : <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script ty...

Why is it recommended loading jQuery or any other library from a CDN?

Kind of self-explanatory question: Why is it recommended loading jQuery or any other library from a CDN? ...