
Does anyone have any experience with

The practical implications of serving images from a database are easy to understand. On one hand it's consistent (since everything else is in the DB) and means that when you scale to multiple servers the files don't need replication. However it puts a huge burden on the database (time required to respond) and on the intermediat networ...

Is it wise to place .css and .js files on a CDN?

It seems like most people use a CDN for placing images and/or videos. Is it wise to place your js and css on a cdn as well? ...

Servlets, development, and a CDN for static files

I'm working on a Java site (jQuery, Wicket, Maven, Spring, Hibernate) and we have just started using a CDN to serve static files on our production server. We use a placeholder for the CDN domain, and have added it to every static file that references a static file. The placeholder gets replaced by Maven through properties filters with Ma...

Are the jQuery UI language files hosted on Google's CDN?

Do Google host the language files for jQuery UI or do I need host them myself? If they do, is there a way to include them like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> ...

How to prevent unauthorized access to media streams

I have a client who is using Siverlight media streaming and wants to start charging for access to certain videos (pay-per-view). Many of those videos with be live-streamed. I am looking for a solution to restrict the media streams to only the clients who have paid. As it stands I think each video resource is located at fixed URL - if y...

jqueryui js components on google cdn?

Hi, Usually you don't want to include the whole of jquery ui as you are only using certain parts. Using google cdn, it is possible to include different parts of the CSS files, but I can't find the JS ones eg (jquery.ui.core.min.js). CSS:

Is there a CDN for CSS frameworks like 960GS?

i wonder if there is a CDN for CSS frameworks like 960GS. since i think many ppl use it. ...

CDN: Alternatives to SimpleCDN Mirror Bucket ?

I'm using They have a "Mirrored Bucket" which is an "origin pull". How it works is I store my conent at and SimpleCDN pulls any requests from, caches them in their CDN if not already in the cache, and display my content at I really like Origin Pull because I don't have t...

Static JSON files over CDN via JSONP

I have a large amount of static/rarely changing data in JSON format. To improve my ASP.NET MVC application performance, I would like to move them to a CDN (Amazon Cloud Front). However when I do that, the cross domain policy kicks in and jQuery makes a HTTP OPTIONS method call instead of HTTP GET and Amazon denies the requst with "403 ...

Can you protect/obfuscate the URL for assets on Cloud Files?

Just opened an account with Rackspace Cloud Files and I'm looking to protect our video assets. By protect I want to make sure that the user is logged in with an active account prior to serving up the video stream. I suppose it could be done in the .htaccess, however if I use LiveHeaders or any other sniffer I will see the CDN's URL. We w...

I want to pass variable to CSS.

I want to pass variables in CSS. But the condition is that the CSS file is not my control. So, is there any way? If yes, please help me out. can i access my css file on fly by using python script? ...

What well known JavaScript libraries are located on CDN's, and what are the URLs'?

It's pretty common knowledge that JQuery is in both the Microsoft and Google CDN, but there are more and more I'm hearing about such as Yahoo YAPI and others. I'm a new web developer and am interested in hearing about what libraries are widely used, located on a CDN, and worth learning about. What libraries would you recommend? ...

Git for Peer to Peer content distribution network

Is there anyone using git in such a fashion? I would like to distribute some multimedia content from a server to some Android remote devices. I would like them sending back a log file with device usage statistics (provided by an android app I will write). The server could be anything but I would prefer a linux box. I thought that sin...

PHP algorithm for CDN distribution

IGNORE THE QUESTION: The CSS File I was including pulled in the the other files hence the correlation *facepalm* We have the following code for picking a CNAME CDN reference per filename. It must return the same URL everytime based on a given filename. We thought this would be sufficiently random: <?php function cdn_prefix($fileN...

using a content delivery network for user uploaded images?

like their profile pictures and albums? ...

How to consistently serve assets from same CDN host?

So, in order to speed up load times, we're setting up a bunch of CDN hostnames to serve images and assets from. What's the best way to consistently use the same host for the same asset? E.g. button.gif always gets served from I was thinking of coming up with some rule, where the md5 hash of the filename s...

Can a CDN be beneficial over a DEDICATED SERVER when there seems to be no CDN in our region?

I am considering trying out Amazons CloudFront CDN, which utilizes their S3 service for file storage and springs data to servers closest to the browser, however, we have a dedicated server in South Africa, Johannesburg to be exact, so my question is this: Amazons CloudFront seems to give you the option to have your base server in EU, Am...

How secure are CDNs for delivering jQuery?

We build sites that have a public (non-secured) area and secured (delivered over HTTPS) area and we use jQuery library. Recently I suggested we use Google CDN for jQuery delivery. Some of my colleagues expressed concerns in regards to security aspect of this way of delivering JavaScript libraries. For example, they mention the scenario ...

Using .htaccess to serve static files via a subdomain

Right, excuse my stupidity, I've looked through a load of examples on t'interweb but I don't think I've found what I'm looking for. I have a website, is the main site but I also want to have another subdomain to serve static files, for example If I request a file (e.g. http://stat...

coral cdn

has anyone used this free cdn? How is it? ...