
how to pick a image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in android?

i am working on photos options in my app. i have a button and imageview on my activity. when i click the button it will redirect to gallery and i would like to select an image. the selected image will appear in my image view. how to do that? any idea? ...

Setting an ImageView resource as a Drawable.

Hey Everyone, I am trying to create a drawable in code and change the color based on some criteria. When I try and set the Drawable as the background of the ImageView it displays but won't let me set any padding. I realized I need to set the ImageView image via the setImageDrawable() function in order to be able to set the padding. T...

Android - Make default android image viewer to show only images from speciffic dir

Hello! I want to programaticly open androids image application to show only images from speciffic directory on the SDcard. Is there any way to do it? I just cant find a way. ...

Smartest way to draw 100+ images on screen

Hello all, First of all I'm a newbie when it comes to Android programming. So if this question is totally stupid please delete it ASAP :-). Question: I'm going to draw a grid of 10x10 PNG images. Each image is 32x32 px. All of the images are unique. I'm thinking that the easiest way seems to be to put each image in an ImageView. If...

Android: In Gridview how do I make the images clickable so that....

I am trying to make the images I have clickable so that when they are pressed it will send the user to another page or link. How do I go about this? Currently each row in the gridview has 2 buttons. How will it know which item in the gridview is clicked so that it performs a certain action, specific to the item that was clicked. Thanks ...

Load images or whole site from local "assets" folder using webview, ANDROID

the question i have is simple but hard to put in words, ill give it a try anyways. i am trying to load a web page in webview, however the load time is a little high. -is there anyway i can put the images in the assets folder and load them from there instead? -if not, is there a way i can load the whole site from the assets folder, prov...

how to select from resources randomly (R.drawable.xxxx)

hello, I want to display a random image from the bunch of images i have stored in res/drawable. The only technique that I know is to access a particular image if you know its resource id. Is there a way to access the images by using the filenames or something else (which can be constructed at runtime)? I want to randomly select an ima...

9-patch stretching when it shouldn't stretch, Android

I am trying to set a 9-patch image as the background for one of my activities but it is stretching unescessarily making everything get all wierd. I used draw9patch to create it and added one pixel to the bottom left and one pixel to the top right. I then save it into my drawables directory as intro_bg.9.png. I want to stretch the very...

Android - What is the best way to maintain multiple images?

During my game loop I am constantly loading images using BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.objectx); Most of the time I'm calling images that have already been decoded earlier. Am I slowing down execution by decoding the resource every time? Is it better to store every image into a Map (or Dictionary) at the begi...

android circular gallery ?

I am a newbie to android development.Now i would like to do gallery view as circular like image as below.The things is that i want to enlarge the center image when user scroll from left to right and right to left. Is there any tutorials for that ? image link ( ) what I want is the image that's been s...

Possible to send an image to my Servlet as a ByteBuffer?

I am attempting to have my android phone connect to my servlet and send it a certain image. The way I figured I would do this, is to use the copyPixelsToBuffer() function and then attempt to send this to the servlet through some output stream(similar to how I would do it in a normal stand alone java application). Will this way work? If s...

Does android:scaleType="fitCenter" only work with fix Layout_width and Layout_height attributes?

I use Layout_width="fill_parent" and Layout_height="wrap content". If an image is bigger than the ImageView, it will be downscaled perfectly. However, I never got it working to upscale smaller images. I tried any combination of ScaleType and "AdjustViewBounds": it always stays in its own size in the middle of the image view. Here is t...

DecodeByteArray with WebService image always null

Hi guys, There what I am trying to do : I am calling a WebService that send me back an image. I get it from the entity.getContent() method. Further in my code I try to use de BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(myImage, 0, myImage.lenght) but the Bitmap that it returns me is always null Does someone have an idea ? ...