



I'm going crazy, I created a file object, so it can be read with ObjectInputStream, and I placed the assets folder. The method works with a file smaller than 1M, and give error with larger files. I read that is a limit of Android platform, but I also know that can be "easily" avoided. Those who have downloaded the game Reging Thunder, for example, can easily see that in their assets folder is a file 18.9M large. This is my code for read 1 object from a ObjecInputStream

File f = File.createTempFile("mytempfile", "dat");
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);

InputStream is = mc.getAssets().open(path,3);

ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(is);
byte[] data = (byte[]) ois.readObject();


now I have an uncompressed file and I can use it without worrying about the error "This file can not be opened as a file descriptor; it is probably compressed"

This function works well with files smaller than 1M, with bigger files return an on line "ObjectInputStream ois=new ObjectInputStream(is);"



Instead of assest folder, I have put my large files in raw folder. It works for me.

I got always the same problem:"Data exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX (1314625 vs 1048576)"thank you anyway
I am using Eclipse and my application Navkar Matra works wonderfully with a 2 MB file in it.
+1  A: 

The limitation is on compressed assets. If the asset is uncompressed, the system can memory-map the file data and use the Linux virtual memory paging system to pull in or discard 4K chunks as appropriate. (The "zipalign" tool ensures that uncompressed assets are word-aligned in the file, which means they'll also be aligned in memory when directly mapped.)

If the asset is compressed, the system has to uncompress the entire thing to memory. If you have a 20MB asset, that means 20MB of physical memory is tied up by your application.

Ideally the system would employ some sort of windowed compression, so that only parts need to be present, but that requires some fanciness in the asset API and a compression scheme that works well with random access. Right now APK == Zip with "deflate" compression, so that's not practical.

You can keep your assets uncompressed by giving them a suffix of a file type that doesn't get compressed (e.g. ".png" or ".mp3"). You may also be able to add them manually during the build process with "zip -0" instead of having them bundled up by aapt. This will likely increase the size of your APK.


I use NetBeans to build the package and I not found how to change the settings of AAPT. I have not tried the png, but the mp3 are compressed. I can compile the package and then enter the assets folder with the parameter -0? what would be the correct command to use?

+2  A: 

Faced the same issue. I've cut up my 4MB file into 1 MB chunks, and on the first run I join the chunks into a data folder on the phone. As an added bonus, the APK is properly compressed. The chunk files are called 1.db, 2.db, etc. The code goes like this:

File Path = Ctxt.getDir("Data", 0);
File DBFile = new File(Path, "database.db");

if(!DBFile.exists())  //Need to copy...
    CopyDatabase(Ctxt, DBFile);

static private void CopyDatabase(Context Ctxt, File DBFile) throws IOException
    AssetManager am = Ctxt.getAssets();
    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(DBFile);
    byte []b = new byte[1024];
    int i, r;
    String []Files = am.list("");
           String fn = String.format("%d.db", i);
        if(Arrays.binarySearch(Files, fn) < 0)
        InputStream is =;
        while((r = != -1)
            os.write(b, 0, r);
Seva Alekseyev

une methode pas propre consiste a changer extention du fichier ttf a mp3
