However, what's unclear is, was Algol (pure Algol, not any of its derivatives like Simula) ever actually used for any "real" programming in any way?
Please, avoid the term "real" programming. "Real" - as opposed to what ? Imaginative ?
By "real", I mean used for several good-sized projects other than programming language/CS research, or by a significant number of developers (say, > 1000).
Yes. It was used for a certain number of projects on which worked a certain number of developers.
Only, what is usually misinterpreted often today is this; in those days computers weren't exactly a household commodity. Hell, they weren't that 30 years ago, less alone 60.
Programming was done in computer centres which were either in goverment ownership (military, academic, institutes of various kinds) or in private enterprises (large companies). And programming wasn't a profession - it was something which engineers, mathematicians, scientiscs and the like used to do when their work was done on paper ... or they had specialized operators which did it for them. Often women, who may or may have not had a scientific background in that particular field - they were "language translators", in lack of a better term (and my bad english).
Programming theories and research was at its beginnings ... vendors being few (and naturally uncooperative to each other) ... each of them used their own extensions, and often programs written for one didn't work well with the other vendor's systems.
There wasn't a "right way" to do something ... you had that and that, and you used whatever catch you could figure to work around your problem.
But, I've wandered off. Let me get back to the number of people. This also goes for several other languages; fortran and cobol, for example.
People say, "very few use it". That's simply not true. What is true is that a small percentage of people uses it today, but a larger percent of people used to use it.
As I said, in those days only the sci. and eng. community used to do it. And their number was relatively small, compared to the total population. Nowadays, everybody uses computers, but the absolute number of engineers, mathematicians and the like, is pretty much the same. So it seems that nobody uses those languages anymore ... while in reality, for certain specialized languages (well, nowadays this goes for fortran and cobol, more than algol) the number of users is pretty much constant.
Personally, the only Algol programming I have ever done was on paper, thus the curiosity.
I know I didn't answer your question, but just wanted to clear this. Algol was a little "beofre my time".