



+1  Q: 

Web 2.0 Designs

How can we distinguished between web 1.0 and web 2.0.? What are the basic difference in them.? How can I start designing a site in web 2.0?.


I think Web 2.0 distinguishes itself from Web 1.0, insofar as the terms actually mean anything, by having mostly user-generated content, like YouTube or del.icio.us have, among other things. So, unless you need or want to have a lot of user-generated content, designing a site to be Web 2.0 in that sense wouldn't make much sense.

Rafe Lavelle

See this SO question for an outline of key features of this fuzzy concept called Web 2.0


It's a simply a media-friendly term that sounds nice—that's all it is. Just focus on making your website nice. Don't pay attention to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, etc.

This industry has a propensity for hype and fad words. Never the less, Web 2.0, as fuzzy as it may seem, encapsulate fundamental capabilities of the client side (web browsers, javascript, html 5...) of the servers (ajax, xml, frameworks...) and the network at large (in particular broadband). The outlook of what the web can do is well beyond a gradual evolution of "web 1.0".
Granted, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 all have *some* validity for explaining the overall progression of the web. I agree. But for the context of this question, it's just a little silly. It's a tad bit like saying: "I want to build a 2009 car. How do I do it?"
+5  A: 

Like some of the other posters said, I'm not sure it's so much a design thing as it is a philosophy thing. I think Web N.0 is more of a marketing buzzword than anything.

"Web 1.0" was initially driven by connecting people to businesses so that's when you saw sites like Amazon, etc. rise up and gain a following. Web 1.0 was about providing functionality to allow users to interact with merchandise and spend money.

"Web 2.0" is more about connecting people to people and that's why sites like Facebook and Twitter are sort of the flagships. Web 2.0, as others said, is more about providing functionality and lettings users generate content.

In parallel to Web 2.0 sites' growing popularity, the core web technologies like JavaScript and CSS along with the browsers were evolving to allow smoother looking animations and a more fluid, Desktop-like experience. This is where a lot of people think "Web 2.0" is a design style, but I more feel like Web 2.0 user to user interaction and user generated content was just facilitated by the evolution of these technologies. For example, now we can more cleanly separate most of our content into HTML and style into CSS whereas before you had lots of websites built using things like HTML table tags to hold content as well as format layout.

Obviously that's purely subjective, but that's how it makes sense in my head. Like the other users said, just use good human interaction design patterns, read up a little bit on good website design, and the rest will fall into place. If you want to know how a website pulled off some of their magic, download FireBug (http://getfirebug.com/) and go pick apart your website of choice...a great way to learn is by seeing how other popular sites do things.

Brent Nash
Nice answer but I don't agree with the part about the core web technologies. To me, they didn't really evolve. Actually, there is nothing new in AJAX, all the technologies behind AJAX (HTML, JavaScript, XML, XMLHttpRequest) were already there for a long time. It's just the way to use them together that has been promoted by sites like GMail in the early web2.0 era.
Pascal Thivent
+2  A: 

You don't exactly "design a site in Web 2.0". There's a trendy look and feel typically associated with Web 2.0, and that provides a decent design guideline for the web. StackOverflow itself is actually a good example of Web 2.0 functionality and even design to some extent (though the user base is way too cool to associate itself, of course...as is apparent in the previous replies).

Web 2.0 really refers to the ability to interact with a web site, and for that you really need a group of programmers that would be able to answer this question for you in the first place. It simply means that the information on your site is driven by user-supplied content, and in most cases that other users can interact with it (via comments, messages, etc). Web 1.0 was the opposite, users simply looked at and read static text and images on web pages that rarely changed.

Now, if you're referring to the trendy Web 2.0 look and feel of websites, then you should just do a google search for things like "Web 2.0 layout" and "Web 2.0 fonts" and such. You'll find tutorials on making clean simplified html/css layouts and puffy sans serif fonts with thick solid colored borders around them.


I think that web 1.0 was form-based web applications, and web 2.0 is ajax driven, because, though ajax wasn't a new technology, having been around for years, it was when Google showed the advantages that the web made a change, and our expectations also changed.

Web 2.0 does something that webservices or CORBA never did, which is to fire imaginations, to excite people about what is possible.

Due to the excitement from Web 2.0 we now see a resurgence of webservices, and we got the REST architecture, which is rebranding of old ideas.

So, the main difference between 1.0 and 2.0, IMO, is just the fact that imaginations were fired and we see new applications that would not have been imagined before.

James Black

A web2.0 website has a glossy logo with a mirror effect, is in perpetual beta and uses AJAX everywhere.

Pascal Thivent
+1  A: 

There's no specification for web 2.0. It's a buzzword. The definiton of it varies depending on whom you ask.

Some people say that syndication is a web2.0 feature.

Some people say that tagging is a web2.0 feature.

Some people say that live search is a web2.0 feature.

Some people say 'user contributed content' is what makes a website web2.0, so if you just put a 'commenting' feature on your website, then your site is web2.0 by this definition.

Anyways, who cares. The technology is the same. If you've got a good idea, just build your app however you wanted to. Then when you're ready to market, put a web 2.0 sticker on it.

That's how it's done.
