I was very much in the same position you were - I was originally a VB6 developer for quite a few years, refusing to move on to .NET... Then I got a new job based on my previous experience and was forced into learning .NET.
I started with learning C#.NET and WPF. I had absolutely no experience in either of these and it was hard. It was damned hard, coming from a Winforms-VB6 background heading straight into OO, XAML and a pretty-much-completely-new-IDE. With the help of my peers, a few good books (see below) and a lot of Red Bull, I'm finally good enough to pump out project after project with flashy WPF interface and a large C# backbone.
Use me as an example. Learn something you haven't experienced, it'll bring that fire back into programming and you'll enjoy it all the more. You'll never quit again ;)
Excellent WPF Resources:
Stack Overflow (hehe)
Apress Pro WPF in C#
SAM'S WPF Unleashed
WPF In Action with VS2008
Programming in .NET 3.5 also gave me a massive helping hand when trying to understand the differences and the new technologies.