



I'd like to know if I can assume that the IEnumerator I get from an IList (by calling the GetEnumerator method from the IEnumerable interface) will give me the items in the order of the list.

What do you think?


Yes, it will do exactly that, for any decent implementation of IList at least. A good IList should always enumerate its elements in the same order as in which the list is indexed.

List<int> list = new List<int> { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 };

IEnumerator<int> enumtor = list.GetEnumerator();
while (enumtor.MoveNext())

Prints 112358.

There is now way to guarantee that the person who implemented the IList followed this principle, there are some examples where it would make sense to not return it in order.
There is no guarantee, but it's a generally valid assumption, and it's *supposed* to be a valid assumption.
I agree it should be a valid assumption, but experience tought me that programmers sometimes do crazy things in their code :)
True. From the little context of the question though, I think this is just someone new to .NET wondering what the usual behaviour is, and that's how I answered it.

IEnumerable is just an interface, which any container (or even non container-like object) can implement to provide its contents, one item at a time.

The order in which these items are returns depend on the semantics of the underlying container. Although most container types have the concept of some order for its content, There is nothing that prevents a particular implementer if IEnumerator to return the items in a random order.

Edit: (Missed the IList part of the question)

IList implies a container with some concept of sequential and consistent order, lest its methods relying on an index would mean very little. So, yes!, an IList's enumerator SHOULD return the items in a prescribed order.

You're right, but if values of an IList aren't enumerated in the right order, something is very wrong ;-)
There are some logical reasons like a sorted list that shouldn't return in the same order
But i suppose you shouldn't be using a list for them :/
@Meta-Knight Oops... I focused on the _ IEnumerator _ keyword. Missed that it came from an IList. Thks.
@monkey_pSystem.Collections.Generic.SortedList<Tkey,TValue> doesn't implement IList which implies that any sane IList implementation enumerates elements in the order they are inserted.
Esben Skov Pedersen
+8  A: 

You can't, because IList is an interface, and an implementation can enumerate items in any order. For instance, I could implemenent WeirdList : IList, and have it enumerate items in any way, including non-deterministically. If you use a List(T) on the other hand, it guarantees to enumerate items in the order they are stored in the list.

Edit: That being said, as many others point out, most implementations will follow the semantics of List(T). Although that wasn't what you asked ;)

+1 Most implementations will be similar but it would be a huge mistake to write code based on that fact.
Andrew Hare
I'd caution against code that tries to validate the semantics of data structures that have pretty hard and fast semantics. This is ok for your Unit tests, to make sure MyListImpl matches what IList implies, but the actual production code shouldn't have those checks.

The enumerator should give you access to the objects inside the list relative to their position in memory which would be the same as using the indexer of the list going from 0 to Length < 1 in a for loop.

Edit: I answered specifically in regards to the .NET framework classes that implement IList, should any other person implement these interfaces their actual implementation could be just about anything. So it depends on implementer.

Chris Marisic

This will depend on the implementation of the IList
