Using Python's Networkx library, I created an undirected graph to represent a relationship network between various people. A snippet of my code is below:
import networkx as nx
def creategraph(filepath):
#All the various nodes and edges are added in this stretch of code.
return G
From what I understand, each node is basically a dictionary. The problem that this presents to me is that I want to perform a different kind of Random Walk algorithm. Now before you jump on me and tell me to use one of the standard functions of the Networkx library, I want to point out that it is a custom algorithm. Suppose I run the creategraph function, and the G object is returned and stored in another object (let's call it X). I want to start off at a node called 'Bob.' Bob is connected to Alice and Joe. Now, I want to reassign Y to point to either Alice or Bob at random (with the data I'm dealing with, a given node could have hundreds of edges leaving it). How do I go about doing this? Also, how do I deal with unicode entries in a given node's dict (like how Alice and Joe are listed below?)
X = creategraph("filename")
print Y
>> {u'Alice': {}, u'Joe': {}}