



I have one scenario That our program output will generate two source code files as

  1. ABC.c (1 code file)
  2. ABC.h (1 header file)

these two files will be added to many other external programs and exe of those programs will be created

Now my issue is for drawing a deployment diagram for those source code files,

how can i display this scenario in deployment diagram, since these two files will be deployed as an input for external program..

Please suggest some idea for deployment diagram of these two files?


Source files don't generally appear on UML Diagrams, UML shows the model / abstract design. Unless you are using MDA and using your model to generate make/build files you should not include implementation in your model.

Deployment diagrams show the deployment locations and relationships built components, the (lib,obj,exe,dll) not the source files.

Component diagrams are used to show how the components are assembled from the classes. Normally these would show how each component is built, but in the abstract (Classes & Interfaces) and not the files.

If you really want to show how the source files are used to construct the components, then I would use the Artifact and stereotype each type of source file then link the Artifact to the Class with a stereotyped dependency.

Martin Spamer
I think you cudn't understand the issue..i am saying that output of the program will generate c source code files..after it those files can be used anywhere other projects
Jaswant Agarwal
It doesn't really matter where the source files came from in the design of a later system. In the former case where any file is produced by a system it is typically shown as an UML Artifact (or stereotype of an Artifact).
Martin Spamer