



I've used Aptana for a good number of web projects and like it a lot. I've also used CodeIgniter for a couple projects and liked it, as well. Now I'm hoping to combine the two in a happy marriage of cross-platform productivity. Any advice on setting up Aptana's more useful features? I'm hoping to get any of the following:

  • Code completion
  • Functional built-in previewing
  • Debugging

If completely infeasible, what IDE would you suggest? Generic Aptana PHP setup tips would also be welcome, as they might guide me toward the ideal setup.

+1  A: 

I would install Aptana as an Eclipse plug-in. Allows you to latter down the road install GWT or Flex with no fuss. Plus, Aptana as a plug-in has worked much better for me. Both in terms of stability and of usability.

I used to have Aptana crash on me every two days and since I'm running Eclipse with Aptana as a plug-in it never again crashed.

Eclipse with Aptana as a plug-in also has some handy features, like spell-checking, that Aptana did not have and has greatly improved my comments. That said, I must agree with you on the great level of detail and attention Aptana team has put in their software.

Hey Frankie, thanks for the reply. I used to have some misgivings about Aptana's stability and so forth, but my environment has been up for like 2 weeks now on _Windows_, so I'm in no position to complain.That said, I'm still going the traditional route of having an external development server and using the builtin development server instead of using Aptana's builtin features. I'm specifically looking for Django environment setup.
If your dev server is going to be external you might find Aptana's auto-upload on useful. I've questioned and answered myself here: