



I am developing a Facebook app in Zend Framework. I am using the Facebook session key for my PHP session ID (this is the practice recommended by Facebook). The problem is that after an hour or so, it appears that the Facebook session key expires because I lose my PHP session. Is there a way to prevent (or at least significantly delay) the expiration of the Facebook session key? Thanks!

+1  A: 

Either your core problem is that php invalids your php session (that can be easily fixed in framework)


your problem is that facebook does no longer accept your api requests on behalf of the user become it timeouted

one hour sounds by far to long for facebook api calls if there are no canvas calls in between

see the wiki and search for offline_access

Andreas Klinger
Thanks. I needed offline_access from extended permissions. It works perfectly now.
Chris Barnhill
lovely, great it works.
Andreas Klinger