




Let's say I have a controller action that is restricted to only certain users, like this:

[Authorize(Roles="somerole")]<br />
public ActionResult TestRestricted()  {            
    return View();

On a view, that is public to everyone I have a link to the action defined above:

<%= Html.ActionLink("Click here!", "TestRestricted") %>

What I'd like to do is hide the link for everyone that is not allowed perform the "TestRestricted"-action. Is there a way to check if the current user is authorized to use the corresponding action? Without defining any additional or duplicate access rules in addition to the authorization filter?

+1  A: 

There is nothing in the MVC framework that can control permissions at such a granular level.

First Approach

This is by far the easiest approach. The drawback is having to assign the role to each action link.

What you could do, is write a Action HtmlHelper to control the permissions at a link level.

    public static string ActionLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string actionName, string role)
        string link = string.Empty;

        if (htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.User.IsInRole(role))
            link = htmlHelper.ActionLink(actionName, null, new RouteValueDictionary(), new RouteValueDictionary());

        return link;

<%= Html.ActionLink("Click here!", "TestRestricted", "somerole") %>

Second Approach

You could use reflection to discover the action(method) being called. Once discovered a simple check of the attributes would tell you if the authorize attribute was present and what role it was set too.

Chuck Conway
+1  A: 

This may help: http://weblogs.asp.net/rashid/archive/2009/09/06/asp-net-mvc-and-authorization-and-monkey-patching.aspx

I am also trying to find an answer to this question.....
