Hi guys, We're trying to configure a server process so that, each time it receives a request, it logs that request to a NEW filename.
The process is generally single threaded but we cannot guarantee that no other thread somewhere in the code won't sometimes try to write something to log4net.
What seemed to be working is:
The first time we get a request, we configure a "PerRequest" FileAppender as follows:
fileAppender = new FileAppender();
log.InfoFormat("Initializing log4net per request logging");
log4net.Layout.PatternLayout layout = new Layout.PatternLayout("%date %property{processid} %property{username} %-5level %logger - %message%newline");
fileAppender.Layout = layout;
fileAppender.AppendToFile = true;
fileAppender.Name = "PerRunLogger";
fileAppender.File = makeNewRequestLogName(); // Returns a unique filename (uses a Guid)
log.InfoFormat("Configured PerRequest logger to log to '{0}'", fileAppender.File);
Then each time we get a new request, we do the following:
fileAppender.File = makeNewRequestLogName();
log.InfoFormat("Configured PerRequest logger to log to '{0}'", fileAppender.File);
At the end of the request, we "configure" the PerRequest logger to log to a single filename, as we couldn't find a satisfactory way to turn it off..
This was working pretty well... But under heavy load, we started noticing that the "PerRequest" log file would often have huge chunks of "missing" log lines. e.g. something like this:
2009-09-23 19:17:17,133 4332 hollingp DEBUG PostProcessInfrastructure.PostProcessRunner - Started post processing
* normal log lines here, omitted for brevity *
2009-09-23 19:17:36,414 4332 hollingp DEBUG PluginRegistry.PostProcessVersions.PostProcessPluginCacheVersion - About to run pub_GetPostProcessingVersion stored proc
*Normally lots of log lines here, but every now and then, NOTHING *
2009-09-23 19:17:37,742 4332 hollingp DEBUG PostProcessInfrastructure.PostProcessRunner - Finished post processing
There's no good explanation for what we see in the log file - there's no code path (even if an exception is thrown) that would explain the "missing" log lines - something (quite a lot of stuff actually) should have been logged on that thread between the line at 19:17:36 and the line at 19:17:37.
Admittedly this entire technique is all a bit dodgy but we couldn't think of another way to do this.
So the first question is: is there a better way to achieve what we want?
The second question is: Can anyone explain what might be happening? The suspicion is that there's some thread safety/locking that needs to be performed, but where? What needs to be locked, if that's the case?
There's no risk of another process attempting to log to the same file, because as the comment in the code indicates, we allocate the log filename using a GUID - there's no chance that another process is trying to log to the same file... But another thread? We can't rule that out.