
Log4Net configuring log level

How do I make Log4net only log Info level logs? Is that even possible? Can you only set a threshold? This is what i have, and it logs Info and above as i would expect. Is there anything i can do to make it only log info. <logger name="BrokerCollection.Model.XmlDocumentCreationTask"> <appender-ref ref="SubmissionAppender"/> <level va...

Are there any issues with using log4net in a multi-threaded environment?

Just like the title, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience using log4net in a multi-threaded environment like asp.net. We are currently using log4net and I want to make sure we won't run into any issues. ...

What's your favorite (free) log viewer for EntLib or Log4Net?

Currently we have Enterprise Library Logging going to the Event Log & a rolling flat file, but I'd like to implement database level logging so that I can have much better browsing/filtering/grouping ability. While I could write this by hand (and have, in fact, for log4net in the past) I though I'd ask the question: Are there any good l...

License guidelines for using log4net in a commercial application

I am looking to provide some logging support for a closed source commercial application. I have been using log4net for non-distributed projects and am very happy with it. I have googled a bit and actually read (or at least attempted to) the apache log4net license. But lacking a knack for legal-speak I just don't quite get what the rul...

Log4net with SyslogAppender, 1kb message limit

Has anyone found a way to get around this? Or a better technique to conglomerate logging from multiple web servers reliably? Any ideas on good log4net log file analysis tools too (plain text not XML) - apart from good 'ol grep of course :) ...

Preferred logging infrastructure for .Net

What is your preferred logging infrastructure for .Net - NLog, log4net, other? Please, specify why you would use one vs. another (pros and cons). Edit: I find it really difficult to "accept" an answer, as there is no enough data to compare. I.e. favoring one of the possibilities, w/o specifying features, that others lack, or are better ...

Log4Net: set Max backup files on RollingFileAppender with rolling Date

I have the following configuration, but I have not able to find any documentation on how to set a maximum backup files on date rolling style. I know that you can do this with size rolling style by using the maxSizeRollBackups. <appender name="AppLogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="mylog.log" /...

Delegates as parameters in VB.NET

Backstory: I'm using log4net to handle all logging for a project I'm working on. One particular method can be called under several different circumstances -- some that warrant the log messages to be errors and others that warrant the log messages to be warnings. So, as an example, how could I turn Public Sub CheckDifference(ByVal A As...

Log4Net/C# - Disable default logging

Hi All, I am using log4net in a C# project, in the production environment, I want to disable all the logging, but when some fatal error occures it should log all the previous 512 messages in to a file.I have successfully configured this, and it is working fine. It logs the messages in to a file when some fatal error occures. But when...

log4net/c# - Different layout based on the level

Hi, Is there any way to have different layout based on level of the log message when using log4net? Say, if it is a fatal error, I want to see all kind of information possible - class name, method name, line number etc. But for normal, debug and warning, I want to see only the message (I hope, this can increase the performance). I am u...

How do I use a stored procedure in log4net ADONetAppender?

Hello, I am using the ADONetAppender to (try) to log data via a stored procedure (so that I may inject logic into the logging routine). My configuration settings are listed below. Can anybody tell what I'm doing wrong? Thanks! <appender name="ADONetAppender_SqlServer" type="log4net.Appender.ADONetAppender"> <bufferSize value="1" ...

How do I use a common log4net reference in assemblies loaded at runtime?

I have a single-threaded application that loads several assemblies at runtime using the following: objDLL = Assembly.LoadFrom(strDLLs[i]); I would like the assemblies loaded in this manner to use the same log4net.ILog reference as the rest of the assemblies do. But it appears the runtime loaded assemblies have a different reference al...

Binsor and log4net

I'm using Castle Windsor and Binsor to use dependency injection in my application. I'm no expert at either one. Usually I can figure out how to bend Windsor to my will, but I find Binsor much harder, especially since I haven't found any decent documentation for it. I'm trying to create a binsor configuration file where I use logging. I ...

How to log MethodName when wrapping Log4net?

I have wrapped Log4net in a static wrapper and want to log loggingEvent.LocationInformation.MethodName loggingEvent.LocationInformation.ClassName However all I get is the name of my wrapper. How can I log that info using a forwardingappender and a static wrapper class like Logger.Debug("Logging to Debug"); Logger.Info("Logging ...

log4net Configuration Section for NUnit Test Project

I am running NUnit with the project named AssemblyTest.nunit. The test calls another assembly which uses the log4net assembly. This is using nunit version 2.4.3 with the .net 2.0 framework. In TestFixtureSetup I am calling log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure( ) and am getting the following error: System.Configuration.Configuratio...

How do you log the machine name via log4net?

I am using Log4Net with the AdoNetAppender to log messages from a simple systray application into a SQL Server 2005 database. I want to log the machine name along with the log message because this application will be running on multiple machines and I need to know on which one the message originated. But, I cannot find a way to expose ...

What would a Log4Net Wrapper class look like?

Greetings, I have been looking for a logging framework for .net (c#) and decided to give log4net a go after reading up on a few question/answer threads here on stackoverflow. I see people mentioning over and over that they use a wrapper class for log4net and I am wonder what that would look like. I have my code split up into different ...

Logging entry and exit of methods along with parameters automagically?

Is there a way for me to add logging so that entering and exiting methods gets logged along with parameters automatically somehow for tracing purposes? How would I do so? I am using Log4Net. ...

Tracing versus Logging and how does log4net fit in?

I am wondering about what the difference between logging and tracing is. Is the difference basically that tracing is more detailed log giving developers a tool to debug applications at runtime? I have been experimenting with log4net and doing logging. Now I am wondering if I should be doing tracing as well and if I could/should use log...

Log4Net "Could not find schema information" messages

I decided to use log4net as a logger for a new webservice project. Everything is working fine, but I get a lot of messages like the one below, for every log4net tag I am using in my web.config: Could not find schema information for the element 'log4net'... Below are the relevant parts of my web.config: <configSections> <se...