
Why does Log4Net run so slow in my Windows Service?

I have a windows service that uses log4net. We noticed that the service in question was running painfully slow so we attached a debugger to it and stepped through. It appears that each time it tries to write an entry to the log via log4net that it takes anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds before the next line of code can execute. Obviously th...

Should I distribute log4net with my releases?

I am wondering what is best practice when it comes to dependencies and how releases should be done. In my case I have a library that relies on log4net and I am wondering if I should distribute log4net.dll (set the log4net reference to copy local) along with the release? Could I simply state that log4net should be installed in the GAC? ...

log4net - want to create a log file per web application user

We are using log4net (replacing nLog) in our Asp.Net web application. nLog had a useful feature that would allow us to create a log file per user - which is helpful for organizing and locating the log statements. Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this with log4net? ...

One log file and one error handler for set of web services - possible?

We have a set of web services which is also our internal API. They perfectly share one common web.config file. Is there a way to somehow make log4net create one log for the whole site, for all of them? And have common error handler? The problem I think they are all separate virtual directories, separate applications...? But again...the...

Log4Net: Programmatcially specify multiple loggers (with multiple file appenders)

How to (programmatically, without xml config) configure multiple loggers with Log4Net? I need them to write to different files. ...

When logging when is an error fatal?

In logging frameworks like log4j & log4net you have the ability to log various levels of information. Most of the levels have obvious intentions (such as what a "Debug" log is vs. a "Error"). However, one thing that I have always been timid on was classifying my logging as "Fatal". What type of errors are so severe that they should be c...

logging for web application

I'm in the middle of building a pretty big site using asp.net (forms if it's of any interest), and I'm wondering if i need a logging framework such as log4net. I've used such frameworks before, but i don't see how i could put it to any use in this type of project. usually i think logging is needed for customer delivered application, wher...

log4net - When to use 'nested diagnostic context' (NDC)?

Playing with log4net, I have seen the possibility to use a per-thread stack of context labels called the NDC. The labels pushed on this stack are displayed in a PatternLayout by specifying the %x or the %ndc format parameter. The usage is something like: ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger(...) ; //pattern layout format: "[%ndc...

How do I log to a table in SQL Server 2000?

I'm writing into a log file, but I want to log into a table named "Log" in my database. How can I accomplish this? ...

can log4net be configured to run under its own identity?

I'm thinking about using log4net in a MOSS(SharePoint) 2007 project, but I need to know if the logging can easily be configured to log using a certain username + password. ...

log4net does not log when my web app is packaged deployed

Hello I have a web app that uses log4net to log errors to a log file. It works well when I publish my website via xcopy but when I build a package installer, log4net does not appear to work when remote users access my site. I use impersonate=true in my web.config and log4net only logs errors when I am the logged user. I have another a...

tool analyzing log4net logs

Is there a tool which can be used to analyze log4net logs. Particulary I would like to extract two method calls by thread id and analyze the duration between the two, to create some statistics of call duration. Plus this over multiple (100x10Mb) files. I suppose grep would also do it. ...

Using separate log4net per Web Service / Page

I have a web application with multiple web services. This web application has business and persistency layer. Is it possible to use separate log appender (log file) per web service? This applies to web pages too. Essentially I want to separate my logs NOT based on the class or layer/namespace, but from point of entry, which can be web s...

How can I include SessionID in log files using log4net in ASP.NET?

Hi, I'm new to log4net, so hopefully this is a really easy question for someone?! I've got log4net working with the RollingLogFileAppender for my web application. I'm using logging to try and find where some performance issues are coming from. In order to do this, it'd be useful to include the ASP.NET SessionID in the log output so t...

Have log4net use application config file for configuration data.

I would like to stored log4net config data in my application.config file. Based on my understanding of the documentation, I did the following: 1. Add a reference to log4net.dll 2. Add the following line in AssemblyInfo.cs: [assembly: log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator(Watch = true)] Initialize the logger as follows: private static rea...

log4net and system.data.sqlite

Does anyone know of a good example on how to set up log4net to use the system.data.sqlite provider? I've been playing around with it lately and I thought I had it all working. It makes a successful connection to the database and "writes" it out. However, when I look at the table data, it never actually commits the log. ...

How do I disable log4net status messages to the console?

I am using log4net in my .NET 3.5 console application and would like the log messages I generate to be seen in both the console standard out and the RollingFileAppender. The file output is working like a charm, but I am seeing a stream of status messages flowing to the console standard out when I execute. I would like to skip all the sta...

Calling .NET code from IronPython, getting error loading the log4net assembly

I've got an IronPython script that configures log4net, then calls .NET code that uses log4net. log4net is properly configured, as I log a message to indicate that it is initialized. But when I try to use my .NET class, it reports "could not load file or assembly 'log4net, ...'. Some useful facts: log4net is not installed to the GAC ...

Force Log4Net RollingFileAppender to roll

According to the Log4Net documentation, the RollingFileAppender will only roll the log file when a message is logged. I need to log to this file, but import it every day into another database. I cannot use a database appender because I need the files and I have to translate the data from the log file to the database (it isn't a direct ...

cf.net exception and other logging

I want to add some logging capability to a cf.net application running on WM6 Pro. I'm looking at logging exceptions and some of the more sensitive sections of code. I would like to have logs stored both locally (i.e. on the device) and also have them reliably uploaded to a server as well (they will need to be queued, my app is occasio...