I've got a set of DB objects sitting in an EntitySet on my main object definition. This handles additions and updates fine, but I found the removing items from the list didn't result in the database records being deleted, so I had to create a method in the data repository object to delete the records as the data object doesn't have access to the data-context in which it is being used. I was looking to see if I could bring this delete into the main object and I found the DeleteOnNull attribute to the association, but when I use it, I get an error "DeleteOnNull can only be true for singleton association members mapped to non-nullable foreign key columns". My code is:-
private EntitySet<UserSite> _userSites = new EntitySet<UserSite>();
[Association(Name = "User_UserSites", Storage = "_userSites", ThisKey = "UserID", OtherKey = "UserID", DeleteOnNull=true)]
public IList<UserSite> UserSites { get { return _userSites; } set { } }
my usersite object is
public class UserSite
[Column]//(IsPrimaryKey = true)]
public int UserID { get; set; }
[Column]//(IsPrimaryKey = true)]
public string Site { get; set; }
public bool DefaultSite { get; set; }
[Column(IsPrimaryKey = true, AutoSync = AutoSync.OnInsert)]
public int UniqueID { get; set; }
Can I use DeleteOnNull to keep all my data update methods within my main user object, or do I have to handle the deletes at the repository level?