





I just designed a portfolio website. I have a whole array of images that I want to keep in one line (with horizontal scroll). This only happens when I have set a fixed width for the surrounding div (in this case with class '.post-images'), wide enough to contain all images. This could be just fine if the amount of images and their widths wasn't dynamic. Unfortunately this isn't the case here. I want this div to be wrapping around all images and not causing them to float. I have tried to set the div's where I put each image in ('.post-image') to 'white-space: nowrap' to no avail.

See an example here: Link

How can I fix this problem? I hope someone is willing to give me a hand here ;)




Replace the css for .post_images and .post_image with:

.post_images { white-space:nowrap; }
.post_image { display:inline; }

Effectively, this makes the wrapping <div class="post_image"> elements redundant (that's the display:inline); you may as well remove them.

In general, most elements size their width according to that of their container; if you wish an element to size according to content, you'll need a <table>, display: table or single line.

Edit: both white-space:nowrap and display:inline have been supported on all major browsers for years (in IE, all the way back to IE 5.5).

Eamon Nerbonne
display:inline doesn't seem to work in IE, but display:table-cell does, although you then need to add padding to the images and sort out the margin/padding on the far right of the scroll box.
Sam Hasler
You must have made a typo or something; these css declarations have been supported for ages...
Eamon Nerbonne
Thanks for this answer. This will not solve my problem though. I tried changing the css like Eamon said to no avail. Inline style won't cause a horizontal scroll in its container (div with class '.post-content single'.
Ok, my bad. I removed the float: left at .post_image. Now it will work. Thanks a lot Eamon Nerbonne. Problem solved.