I have some entity:
public class Album extends GenericAuditedEntity {
@OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Set<Item> itemSet = new HashSet<Item>();
And when i run HQL like this: em.createQuery("select a from Album a").getResults()
it produses many SQL queries: One for select data from Album's table. Smth like this: select .... from Album_table; And one query for each fetched row, for selecting items. Smth like this: select .... from Item_table iwhere i.Album_id = :Album_id;
But when i run em.createQuery(" select a.id, b.id from Album a left join Item i ").getResults()
it produses one SQL query. But it's result is list of some parameters, that i need put into the entities manually.
How can i build HQL with joins automatically and automatically put the results to the entities? Is it possible?