I'm trying to create a mailto link that contains french accented characters as the subject and email body. Both HTML and URI encoding the chars does not work. Here is my code:
<a href="mailto:%20?subject=ce%20titre%20est%20cass%C3%A9.&body=travaux%20deja!%20cesser%20d'%C3%AAtre%20t%C3%AAtu">SEND EMAIL</a>
Same result occurs without URI encoding:
<a href="mailto:?subject=ce titre est cassé&body=travaux deja! cesser d'être têtu">SEND EMAIL</a>
No Matter how i do it, the new email opens up with the broken characters. URI encoded Spaces and line-breaks work fine, but anything that is not ANSI is broken. I should note that I am testing in both english and french versions of MS Outlook 2007. Anyone know how to get this to work?