I'm running into a problem with my program where given an object and an attribute name I want to return the method's return type.
public static Class<?> getAttributeType(Object object, String attributeName) {
try {
Method method = object.getClass().getMethod(
"get" + StringUtils.capitalize(attributeName));
return method.getReturnType();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find the attribute:"
+ attributeName + " in class: "
+ object.getClass().getName());
This solution works great unless the return type of a method has a generic defined. For example if method prototype in question is List<Book> getBooks(), the code above would just return a List instead of a List<Book>. Is there any way for me to accomplish this? I can get the Generic type easily, I just don't know what to do with it once I have it.
Thanks in advance