I need to determine if a set of dates contain two different weeks.
For example:
When returning a set of records from a database that contain a date, there needs to be something to distinguish between the different weeks.
<cfloop query="datesExample">
<cfif DateDiff("d",DateFormat(lastDate),DateFormat(OriginalDate)) GTE 7>
<hr />
<cfset lastDate = DateFormat(OrginalDate) />
To me, this seems like all the logic I'd need to add to determine if there is a new week.
Although, I'm not getting any results from this.
Anyone have an ideas?
This is my actual if statement:
<cfif DayofWeek(lastShiftDate) NEQ DayOfWeek(Time_In) AND DateDiff("d",lastShiftDate, Time_In) GTE 7>