




I just got back from a talk. I overheard the term "inline sessions" which should be an alternative to cookie sessions. Do you guys know what that is and if it can be implemented in PHP?

+2  A: 

They are probably talking about sessions whose key is persisted through form or query string parameters.

PHP used to have a setting to enable this transparently. It would basically parse your HTML and add a SESSID variable to the end of every href and form action.

This meant if cookies were disabled, the session could still be persisted.

I think things like Ajax has deprecated this functionality.

Byron Whitlock
i thought about this as well - google was 0 relevant links about this term, so thats probably it.
It's a bad idea to adopt inline sessions because they stump search engine spiders, giving the impression of effectively infinite duplicate content, which gets you a very bad ranking indeed.