



I've seen this on every Yahoo! news page, at the bottom of the source code,
and failed to understand why they break the script word like that.

Does anybody know if there's any reason for this?

document.write("<scr"+"ipt language=javascript src=;&lt;/scr"+"ipt&gt;");
+4  A: 

so that it doesn't get evaluated but gets inserted as a string.

Steve B.
+5  A: 

It's a bad way to prevent XML/XHTML and HTML validators from yelling at the source code.

So why does Google Analytics uses this method if it's bad? "document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + ""... why do they even do it with document.write I don't get it.
+14  A: 

Consider this simplified example:

document.write("something </script> something");

The browser's HTML parser would see the </script> within the JavaScript string and interpret that as the end of the script element.

The HTML parser doesn't know about JavaScript syntax - all it knows is that the <script> element ends at the next </script>.

(It also knows that you can't have nested <script> elements, hence the breaking of the opening <script> as well as the closing </script> in your example.)

Note: The same way behaves the colouring of the code in SO. Notice the "something" being treated as a text content outside of the script element.
Grzegorz Oledzki
Actually, no, SCRIPT element ends at first occurrence of "</", not only "</script>". See:
Is this a workaround for old browsers or does it apply even to modern browsers?
hasen j
@hasen j: It applies to modern browsers - my example goes wrong in Firefox 3.5.

Some browsers tend to "act" to fast when parsing a document and immediately try to execute the javascript when they find a script tag (even though it is itself in a piece of js). To avoid this they break the decalration of the tag.

I didn't quite understood what you have just said, can you supply further reading on the subject please? it very very interesting.
Say you open a page with IE, that has document.write('<script type..etc">'); on it somewhere on the page. IE might incorrectly parse that document.write('<script type..etc">'); and think, "hey, a script tag!" and then executes that code (because it thinks it's just an inline script block). But in reality that document.write('<script type..etc">'); is not supposed to be executed until say the entire page has loaded or until some other condition is met (which can be anything ranging from a user inputting some text etc. etc.) By breaking the <script tag the browser won;t ever misparse it.
+3  A: 

Suppose you are writing a tool that detects the beginning and end of script blocks in a chunk of text. Suppose you see


blah blah blah







Without knowing the syntax of the script language, how does your tool know that this is ONE script block and not TWO script blocks with ")blah between them?

A web browser is such a tool. It's a reasonable practice to make sure you never confuse the web browser by never having <script> or </script> in your file unless it actually is a script tag.

Eric Lippert
Walt Stoneburner
Pavel Minaev